Bill"s Picture
Bill LaFace

Fourth Degree black belt (Yondan)

Started study of Karate in Oct. 1981

Student Seniority Ranking: #2

Key word: Dedication

  Always athletically inclined, Bill was interested in expanding his horizons when he heard about his friend’s brother returning to Edmonton to teach karate. As his friend forgot to tell Bill when Neil arrived, he missed the first 6 weeks of classes but has been studying under Sensei Neil Dunnigan ever since. He’s been there every step of the way, stepping on squashed raisins on rented gym space, to stepping in front of senior masters to test for his fourth degree black belt in Okinawa.

  Quiet yet strong in nature, Bill has remained dedicated to his training even when life was busy throwing him curve balls, such as dealing with personal and family health issues. At one point when Bill was unable to train for a few months, he would pop by to watch a class and soak in the environment that had become such an important part of his life. Marriage, parenthood and a demanding job all vied for their rightful share of Bill’s attention and he learned to become a master juggler.

  Bill states that he joined Neil Dunnigan’s to develop self confidence and discipline- goals that he clearly reached quite awhile ago. So what keeps Bill committed to his training? He says that it’s the fact that in each and every class he continues to learn something new. Bill instructs regularly and has a well-earned reputation for always providing students with a vigorous workout, clear explanations of techniques and positive encouragement. Bill states that he particularly values this opportunity to teach and share what he has learned with other students.

  Bill is a Product Manager at Telus Corporation and is married, with two young daughters who are quickly growing up on him. Prospective boyfriends will need to be on their best behaviour!


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