Susan's Picture
Susan Dunnigan

Fourth Degree black belt (Yondan)

Started study of Karate in Jan. 1974

Student Seniority Ranking: #1

Key word: Perseverance

  Susan was introduced to karate in Halifax,  by her roommate's keen boyfriend and she became intrigued with the inherent learning and practicality of the art. Susan wasn't into exercising for exercise sake, so decided to give karate a try. Her family was shocked with this venture, as she was shy by nature, not athletically inclined and far from aggressive.  Susan recalls that there were many times she wanted to quit, but had promised herself not to do so when feeling discouraged. So when things got tough, Susan hung in there. Every time she surmounted a hurdle in her training, so was free to quit, she clearly wasn't interested in doing so... and so here she is many years later!

  In January 1978, Susan was awarded her first-degree black belt and began her journey on the long and never ending road of higher learning in the martial arts. Susan notes that attaining her fourth degree black belt in 1994 was a particularly satisfying accomplishment, as she was tested in Okinawa by a board of master instructors. As she continues training, Susan has gained a solid understanding and appreciation of perseverance and its role in the pursuit of lifelong martial study.

  On a personal note, in 1980 Susan married Neil Dunnigan, who later became her Sensei. They have two children, a 15-year old boy and 11 year old girl. Professionally, Susan works full time as a policy manager for the Persons with Developmental Disabilities Provincial Board, under the Ministry of Alberta Family and Social Services.

  Maintaining a strong and consistent presence in the school has been an ongoing challenge as Susan juggles the many demands on her time- career, schooling, family and volunteer responsibilities. Susan cites the school’s prevailing attitude and acceptance of life’s realities as enabling her to maintain a deep connectedness with her karate during those times when getting a workout is less than frequent.  Susan places great personal value on the strong  relationships that have been forged with fellow students over the years, who always support each other, throughout the hills and valleys of life. Susan emphasized that she feels privileged to be part of such a dedicated and caring group of individuals.


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